Day 71 Jan 25 Connected the injectors, oil pressure sender, alternator, IMAC, IAC, mounted a sender, made new braided fuel lines and connected them ,connected all of the vacuum hoses, test fitted the distributor. Ordered new throttle cable. Todd and Jason both helped today 8 hrs

Day 72 Jan 31 Moved the front injector to allow room for the distributor – lengthened the oil pressure wire and recovered it, recovered the alternator wire, secured the hard fuel lines to the frame, attached the braided fuel lines to the firewall. 2 hrs
Day 73 Feb 5 Attached the Alt wire, revised the spark plug wire holder brackets and installed them. Truck has 85 302 heads and had to get new spark plugs to replace the ones I bought for a 302. Fabricated a new gear shift knob. Ready to sand & paint using part of the beer tapper one I bought. 2 hrs
Day 74 Feb 8 Installed the distributor, ran all of the plug wires. Had to take apart the end of the fuel rail to allow room to put a couple of plug wire on the distributor. Loosen the fuel rails to get the end cap back on. VERY CLOSE SPACE (Took over an hour). Todd worked with the computer and put in an initial setting – added gas, turned the key and let the fuel pump kick on. Had a couple of leaks that were quickly fixed. 6 hrs